Less Admin,
More Teaching

Join TeachersAI today & leave the admin stress behind! Reclaim time for your students, with less time preparing, planning, marking and reporting. This is the teaching companion you have been waiting for.

Get Started for FREE*

Today’s teachers need improved tools
for increased work loads

All based on the Australian/State curriculum.

Automatically receive comprehensive, AI-generated analysis of student work.

Automatically generate term, semester and annual reports inline with your custom requirements.

Receive detailed feedback, suggested grades and progress tracking over time.

Add students, classes, subjects & differentiations. Assign curriculum-based written tasks.

This is the teaching companion you've been waiting for.

TeachersAI is built to help teachers and educators focus more on what’s important.

Specifically manage differentiation, balancing tasks and marking across different students and different learning needs.
Automatically generating smart report comments to your specifications- across classes, differentiations, year groups and tasks.
Automatically generate relevant tasks inline with current curriculum.
$29.95/month Introductory Early Access Offer (normally $34.95)





Data based Growth





Data based Growth

A platform built around your needs.
Rapid Assessment: What once took hours now takes seconds. Our AI automatically marks and provides feedback on student assignments, drastically reducing the time educators spend on grading.
Customise Feedback: Tailor feedback and grading criteria to fit different needs and standards, ensuring that each student receives meaningful and constructive assessments.
Comprehensive Tracking: Monitor student progress over time with aggregated data and insights, helping to inform future teaching strategies and interventions.
Curriculum-Aligned: Specifically designed to align with the Australian curriculum, ensuring that tasks and feedback are relevant and supportive of national educational standards.
Our program best supports teachers of Year 3 to Year 10 during our early access phase and will expand to cater to educators across all year levels by the end of 2024.
Register now
Success Stories.

"Yes, TeachersAI adheres to Australian privacy guidelines and is actively engaged in aligning more closely with educational department policies to receive formal recognition for our product's safety and compliance."

"Yes, you can cancel at any time as we respect your choice. Please note, however, that cancellation will result in the loss of your promotional rate, compared to the standard rate of $34.95 per month when you rejoin."

"For any questions or concerns, we are here to help. Please contact us directly at [email protected]."

Early Access means that while our TeachersAI platform is fully operational and offers a robust set of features, it's not yet in its final form. It functions effectively for current educational needs but is still undergoing improvements and refinements. We have an exciting roadmap of additional features set to roll out in the coming months.

By joining us during this phase, you're not just purchasing a product; you're becoming a vital part of our development process. We encourage Early Access users to report any bugs and share feedback, which is invaluable for enhancing the platform's functionality and user experience.

As a token of our appreciation for your contributions and understanding that the platform is still being polished, we offer Early Access at a reduced rate. This is our way of saying thank you for being part of our journey to redefine educational technology.

For more details and to join the Early Access program, visit registration page